Monday, February 13, 2012


Happy Monday, Everyone!

I have so many things I would like to share with you this week, but I have chosen to share a story that I recently heard that is proof positive that our business is alive and well!   It is an AMAZING story that will encourage you to see just what is possible and what can actually happen in a short period of time when you decide to go for your goal!  In fact, I thought I heard the story wrong, so I had to actually go back and listen to the BeautiControl replay to make sure what I heard was for real!

This particular consultant, (now a SENIOR DIRECTOR) joined BeautiControl in August of 2011.  Her name is Stephanie Beckett and when asked what motivated her to join BC she simply explained that she had been praying for something different since February of last year.  She felt like something was missing but wasn't sure what it was.  At the time, she was working for one of the most respected and well-loved insurance companies in North America!  She had been with this company for 25 and a half years and never saw herself doing anything else.   She did state, though, that she had started to feel bored and unfulfilled in her career....she was tired of her 6x6 foot cubicle at work and even asked herself "I wonder what the size of a jail cell is?  6x9?".  LOL!  She didn't realize it at the time, but looking back she said what she was really looking for and wanted was to feel "useful" and appreciated.   She was also missing her kids tremendously....not being at home with being able to watch them grow.  She wanted to be the one at home with them in the afternoons when they got home from school!  But how was that going to happen when her income was a vital part of the family income?

In the meantime, she was invited to a spa with her friend.  From the moment she walked into the in-home spa, it was a great experience.  She loved the neck wrap and since it was only offered as a hostess gift, she booked a spa that night so that she could be a hostess at her own spa party and get it for FREE!  She said she didn't even place an order that night...which, by the way, is a great lesson for us all to can't pre-judge someone by meeting them just one time at a spa...follow up is KEY!   Well, she had her spa on August 25th and her official start date was August 26th!  Like so many new consultants, she started second-guessing herself and her decision and started looking on line and other places to find something negative about BeautiControl.  All she kept finding were success stories of women living the life they love!  So....she took the whole month of September and did nothing but book and recruit.  She didn't even hold her first spa until October...but here is the amazingly cool part of the story...She hit her first month Director numbers in mid November and then 2 weeks later made her Director numbers and promoted up her first recruit to the level of Director as well....making her a Senior Director!

Stephanie shared her paycheck totals with us...this is so exciting!
  • First check from August was .96 cents...yes, that's right, .96 cents! (This is when most new consultants would give up.  It takes a little time to get your MOJO going...the rewards are well worth the wait!)
  • Her second check from September was $332...not bad for just joining in August
  • Her third check from October was $411!
  •  Are you ready for this?????  Her fourth check from November was $5, 816!  
Do you want to know why she went after this like she did?  She saw what she wanted and didn't let anything get in her way.  She shared with us that she and her husband had sat down and looked at their finances realistically and figured out what they would need in order for her to quit her full time job and work only at her BeautiControl business.  The goal they came up with was for her to be able to walk out of her job by June 1st of 2012, pay off her car, pay off her credit card, pay off some small bills, and put some money in the bank for savings.  After her great paycheck from November, she was able to do all of these things!

Now here's the part of the story I like best!  Stephanie went to her husband after accomplishing these goals and said...."Can I quit now?"  His answer was...."What happened to June?"  Here is her reply..."Why do I need to wait?  I am spinning my wheels....there is money out there to be made, so please let me go make it.  I set my goals and I reached, you have to give me my reward now!" :-) 

What an awesome story!  I love REAL life stories about REAL people achieving REAL goals.  If they can do it, why not you?  What drives you?  Is your "why" bigger than your fears?  Stephanie ended her story with this statement..."I found out that what drives me is my need to do something positive with people."  Figure out your WHY today...share it with someone...and start paving your road to success!

Here is a compelling video our President, Daisy Chin-Lor shared with us at the Elite Forum.  It's not always what we say to people about what we is sometimes "how" we say it.  Are you passionate about what you do?  Do your words reflect your passion?  NOW is the time to change our mindset, which will change our words, and will change our will overflow into everything we do!

As always....believing in you!

Leigh Ann

Friday, January 27, 2012


What a great week it has been! BeautiControl invited all of their "Elite Directors" to the Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando for a weekend of training and networking with our fellow Directors. We were joined by Daisy Chin-Lor, our President...Charla Gervers,our VP of Sales...Gary Jones, our VP of R & D/Marketing...Christ Stuchlak, our VP of Sales Force Motivtion and Brian Dill, our VP and National Sales Director. As Executive Directors and above, we were privileged to get a "sneak peak" of the upcoming months and I am thrilled with where we are going as a company. To get all of the details, you will definitely want to become a VIP and attend our Leadership Conference at the end of February!

We have two Executive Directors on our National Team...Anna Sessoms and Tiffany Corbin. It was great for us to be together as we plan for EXPLOSIVE growth in our world"! These ladies have been with me for a number of years and they never cease to amaze fact, they inspire me to be all I can be. This is the beauty of Direct Sales that you don't get in the average corporate world. We only become successful as we help others aspire to greater and greater levels. And, as we grow to greater levels, our friendships grow in the process. I wanted to share a few pictures with you from our weekend together. To see all the pictures, just check out my Facebook page. If we aren't "friends" yet, then just send me a request so we can connect! Just simply search for Leigh Ann Sessoms Marshall.

Check out just a few pictures from our Tupperware Tour as well as some pictures of your Executive Directors from our National Team...Anna Sessoms & Tiffany Corbin!  We had such a great time!

And, the weekend continued on as my dear friend, Annette Marks(who who lives in Orlando), picked me up from the resort so we could spend a few days together plotting out her road to Director AND so I could meet the fabulous team she is building. We had our first official team meeting at Annette's home Tuesday night. We shared our dreams for the future and got to know each other! Once again...enjoying the benefits of a friendship business! I have posted a picture of the Florida team below.
It will be exciting to watch this team grow in the weeks and months to come!
 We also had a consultant from Louisiana who joined us via SKYPE!
Future Director...Annette Marks!

I will close with a quote that was shared with us by our VP of Sales, Charla Gervers at the Elite Forum...

"Success is not is rented, and the rent is due every day!

Believing in you!
Leigh Ann

Sunday, January 15, 2012

This Blog's for YOU!

Hello Marshall Team!

One of the things that I enjoy most about what I do is motivating and encouraging others to be ALL they can be!  It's a New Year and a new beginning for all of us!  Have you set your goals?  Have you dared to dream?  Well, this is the first of many weekly blogs to follow for our Marshall National Team.  Most of you I don't get to see on a regular basis, so hopefully this will give me an opportunity to connect with you, share what's on my heart and what's going on in our "world".

As I was thinking about what I wanted to say to all of you this week, I thought it might be a good idea for me to be really transparent with you so that you will know we are all "real" people, growing a"real" business and as a result of that....we experience "real" life, right?  One of the common misconceptions of what we do is we assume that if we are not successful right away in beginning our business, we must not be "meant" to do this.  We automatically assume that if we are experiencing setbacks or we hear 20"no's" in a day....this is just not meant to be!  I remember one day not too long after I had started my business 15 years ago, I told my husband "God must not want me to do this business because I keep running into obstacle after obstacle!"  His response was not quite what I expected and at first, I got a little offended by know how sensitive we women can be!  My wise husband just simply looked at me and said, "Maybe God is trying to tell you you need to work harder."  He said it with a smile and a chuckle, but I quickly got the gist of what he was saying.  Sometimes God wants us to take a few steps forward in the direction of our dreams...only then do we succeed and learn what it means to persevere.  We don't learn much or progress much when we are sitting still.  And sometimes, it is the "fear of failure" that is the hardest to overcome. But think about it this way...if it were always easy...we wouldn't know how to help others along their journey when THEY slip and fall.

I wanted to share a song with you that I shared with the ladies at our Nashville Success Rally last weekend. I hesitated to share it at first because I knew that many of the women in that room had been through some really tough things over the past few months.  But, I also knew how much this song meant to me and still speaks to me today.  The past two years have probably been the most difficult for me in my career with BC, but I wouldn't take anything for what I have learned as I have walked through this journey.  God has taught me some AMAZING things and brought many amazing people into my life.  I had to decide, though...why do I really do BeautiControl?  What would my life be without BeatiControl?  The decision was that my life has been so blessed through this company even through the setbacks...I wouldn't be anywhere else with anyone else.  It's about YOU, this awesome team of women that we call "Marshall".   Sometimes life hits hard with things totally out of our control...but one thing we can control is how look at each day ahead.  YOU are why I do what I do and there are many other women I have yet to meet who will be joining our team this year.   Let's focus on helping others achieve their dreams and see where it takes

A few months ago, my youngest daughter, Brittany and my best friend, Lee sent me the link to this song called, "Blessings".  Neither one of them knew the other one had sent it to me, but they both obviously knew I needed it.  I remember uncontrollable tears rolling down my face as I listened to the beautiful lyrics in this song.  I listen to it almost every day now because it reminds me that God is in control of everything and that it is sometimes through our difficulties that we learn the most.  Please listen carefully to the lyrics in this song...

Now, I am not trying to be "Debbie Downer"...LOL...but I am trying to be real with you.  None of us can control what is behind us, but each and every one of us can look forward and dream BIG dreams with REAL people.  So, ask yourself a few questions:
  • Why do I do what I do?
  • What is holding me back?
  • Am I focused more on me or my team?
  • What is God teaching me through my setbacks?
  • Am I committed to my goals?
I am looking forward to doing this year with all of you.  We are only as successful as the people we are blessed to work with and serve.  I am SO blessed to have you on this team we call "Marshall".